- 9th of June, Itallianese and Sinbad
- 10th of June! Asia Cafe with Shamani, Aaron, Edmond and Lalit
- 11th of June dinner for the family
I got a new puppy last week :D her name is Rainy, i'm going to change it because my name is Raena and its confusing. I am naming her, i haven't really decided. She's 2 years old and she is a Black and White English Cocker-spaniel. I got her from another teacher in school who has a baby and cannot take care of a hyper active dog.
I cannot wait for the 31st of July. Bill wants to go shopping which mean i will be too :D YAYAYAY i cannot wait. Its been over a month since they were in Malaysia.
Tokio Hotel and Marilyn Manson performed in France on the same day and i wasn't there. Why. It would have been my dream come true to see Brian Hugh Warner and Bill Kaulitz on the same stage on the same day. There is no way the Government in Malaysia is going to allow Marilyn Manson to come here. I can't wait to leave this country.
I hate the whether. I hate the education system. I hate the people and I hate lifestyle.
I'm going to Johor on Thursday. To stay with my grandmother. I hate her house. Its hot and there are no airconds WTF and the toilet it like right at the back of the house |: i go there every year in like September but this year my dad thought we should go twice. So i'll be in the car for 3 and a half hours listen to music praying the 4 days there go by really fast so i can come home to my dogs and my bed and my aircond. The day after i get back, school starts. Nein.
The rest of my month is going to consist of planning for Tokio Hotel's return to Malaysia, school, and just hanging out with everyone. There's nothing much to do because i finish most of it last month and at the begining of this month. So mostly i just gotta plan for Tokio Hotel.
- Where are they staying
- When are they coming here
- What does Bill want to shop for
- When are they leaving
- Ways to meet them again <3
Sometime in my life i would like to talk to Marilyn Manson too but i don't think its going to happen while i'm still in Malaysia. So i'll wait a few more years. Until i leave. I have alot to tell him as well. Not as much as i have to tell to Tokio Hotel but yea.
All i want is to have an actually conversation with them, not with so many people around us. And not with a body guard who stares at me like if you do anything stupid i'm going to pick you up and throw you so far you'll never be able to find your way back.
I need a bath after jumping around on the road with Shamani. Bye.
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