So i've been omegle-ing these past few days. ALOT. I've met some nice people (: Seen alot of dicks. And some effin hilarious things.
Its pissing off sometimes /: but when you get to talk to someone nice it gets better.
I've met a few people and ter-pressed the disconnect button even though i didn't want to |:
AND i've learnt that German boys do not like Tokio Hotel AT ALL. ALL German boys |: that sucks.
But i met some girls who are TH fans :D so thats cool.
According to Hann Lam i'm addicted to it. So i've decided to stop for the next 24 hours and show him that i'm not! I'm just doing it cause i'm bored D;
I also found out that alot of people have no idea where Malaysia is. And if they know about it, they think we can't speak english!
I think omegle is fun (: but kinda sad when you see 14 year old boys asking for tits. And old terrorists |: thats scary. I'll probably get back on tomorrow with Shamani (: hehe
LOL I love the second picture!!!
ReplyDeletehahhaha and funnily enough I know some german guys who like it....so...o.O I dunno?
HAHAHAHAHHA nice nice (: there are alot of German people on omegle. ALOT