The sun has spun more than once for me last friday, and has everyday since.
My horoscope said that April this year, everything would change. That i've been going through some shit and that it would all change starting last Wednesday.Things have been kinda the same, but i feel different. I feel a lot happier and a lot less worried about stuff. Which is good in a way i guess.

Best part of this month so far has been last Friday night, more like Saturday morning. I got to meet hoobastank. It was awesome.
Before the concert, i told everyone how excited i was and how i could not bare the fact that i wasn't going to the airport to see them. I was extremely excited to see them performing live, again.
I kept jumping around school hugging everyone and randomly pulling people closer to me just so that i could squeel. I really wanted to meet them. I really really really wanted to meet them.
I was also really excited to watch Bunkface perform again. I love them. They are like the best Malaysian band everrrrrr.
After school, i rushed home and got ready called up Rabin and Lalit and left for the train station! Before i got to KLCC i texted a friend of mine Lih Wern from Brats and asked her to wait outside the LRT place in KLCC for me and the boys. When we got there we meet Lih Wern's friend Priscilla. The 5 of us went around looking for the concert venue, and when we found it met up with another friend from Brats Tisha and her brother Tristan.
After the long, long wait and the rain, Yuna came out and performed a few songs. She has the most beautiful voice. After her were the Azenders. I had never heard about them, when they came out to perform i saw Sam from Bunkface singing for them and i was like wtf. I love him.
I've watched Bunkface performing live 3 times already and i like them. I listen to their music a lot, not as much as i listen to Tokio Hotel but quite a lot.
I think their live performances are really interesting because of how interactive they are with the crowd all the time. I like bands like that. I think Bunkface does have a lot of Malaysian fans that love their music, i know i'm one of them (:
Then was the Wondergirl who i have seen perform once before at worldstage last year, i didn't think it was that great. Maybe it's cause i don't like them. That's my opinion anyway.
And finally, Hoobastank came on at around 11.45 pm i think. They were awesome. They played a few new songs that i loved. And Doug dedicated a song to us! It was amazing.
I absolutely loved everything about Hoobastank's performance last friday night. It was amazing.

After the concert i ran backstage with Rabin and Lalit. Zamaera found us after awhile. While we were waiting for Hoobastank to come out i saw my other friend that i haven't seen since last July! I met him at worldstage 2010, Nadeem (: After Hoobastank left KLCC we walked to the Concord hotel and met them there at around 1.45 am. Where i took those two pictures of Doug and i and got a signature!

The next day Rabin and I decided to go back to the Concord hotel to meet up with Nadeem and see Hoobastank again. It was pretty awesome (: I got a picture with Dan too!

I'm really upset its over. I miss the excitement.
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